Tuesday, May 26, 2009

All the Single Letters...

Hey guys! I know...it's been a week or more since my last post. There has been lots going on that has kept me from being at school and then the long weekend. But...now it's time for another song.

This little song was written by two of my "girlz" from 4th block, Z and A, and performed by "The Gang". This was their way of remembering that when performing metric conversions, the single letter is always the base unit.

It goes a little like this:
All the single letters, All the single letters, All the single
letters, All the single letters

Now hit the bass up...
Up in this class tryin' to learn some Math
We've got our own little way
Metric Prefixes can be the trickiest
So listen if you want to know the way...
if you got a single letter know it's the base
if you got a single letter know it's the base
if you got a single letter know it's the base
if you got a single
letter know it's the base
(breaking it down...)

Hope you enjoy! (oh yeh....2nd time around is the best!)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ok...how'd you do? Here are solutions to yesterdays 3 problems.

1. 3(x-5) + 17 = 2(4x+2) - 12
3x - 15 + 17 = 8x + 4 - 12
3x + 2 = 8x - 8
10 = 5x
2 = x

2. 6(2x+1) = 4x+30
12x + 6 = 4x + 30
8x = 24
x = 3

3. 7x-5 = 10x+22
-27 = 3x
-9 = x

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Doing the 2-Step...and I don't mean the dance...

Solving 2-Step equations becomes a challenge for many 8th graders taking Pre-Algebra. As a general rule, you want to follow the steps below. Write them in your journal and then solve the 3 problems below. Solutions will be posted later. Happy Solving!

Steps to Solving Equation:
1. Clear Parenthesis (by disribution)
2. Combine all like terms on the same side
3. Begin getting like terms on the same side (ex. all the variables on one side and all the numbers on the others)...to do this...UNDO Addition or Subtraction
4. Get the variable by itself...to do this...UNDO Multiplcation or Division
5. Always check your answer by plugging it back in to the original problem. If both sides equal, then you have the correct answer.

Try These:

1. 3(x-5) + 17 = 2(4x+2) - 12

2. 6(2x+1) = 4x+30

3. 7x-5 = 10x+22

Middle School Math Musical 2?...nah...just Coop's 4th block at it again!

Well, PASS is almost behind us. Kids took the MATH test today and I was excited about how many took their time and really focused on each problem.

Todays video was filmed by my 4th block class, again. Starring: Zana, Almon, Tametha, Kevin and Dylan. This is their version of the song we use to help us remember the Rules of Adding Integers. ps...they are currently unavailable for bookings...heheh! "Same signs add and keep, different signs subtract. Take the sign of the larger number then you'll be exact."

* Let me know what you think...or even upload your own video.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Music has always been one of my passions. So....if you are a student in my Algebra class, you are subjected to my singing...lol! Some think it's great, while others call it "wack". However, I am a firm believer that if you can create a method where kids will remember what you are teaching...then so be it.

It was a Thursday, at 9:40 pm, and I was headed home from eating mexican with my bff Brucke (who happens to also be the inclusion teacher in my class). The next days lesson was weighing heavily on my mind. Metric Converions have always been a nightmare for my kids. What could I do...how could I make it fun and easy? Was there a tune I could use to create a way of learning the metric prefixes (in order)? Was there a dance we could do? Cause my kids LOVE to dance. While saying the prefixes over and over in my mind...it somehow ended up sounding like .....the Metric Macarena!

The following video is of a few of my 4th block students demonstrating the 'Metric Macarena!' It is my goal this video/song will help you in learning the metric prefixes like it did my kids. Their quiz scores were phenomenal! Enjoy! :o}

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blogging? in a Math class? Why not!

This blog is created to help motivate, encourage and promote students in learning new topics and reviewing previous concepts studied in Pre-Algebra and Algebra I. Students will be able view and/or listen to tricks, songs, and sayings used in class, as well as answer practice problems from each strand in the SC Algebra Standards. Solutions will be posted the following day. It is my desire for students to over-come their 'fears' of Algebra and understand there are many ways of learning and enjoying success in mathematics...whether or not it's the "favorite" subject.

I encourage students to respond/comment to each post, whether it is answeringproblems posted or just sharing their thoughts on a specific topic. As yearly testing (MAP, PASS, EOC)approaches, these practice problems will help students review important concepts studied throughout the year. Parents and students, as well as other educators, are encouraged to spread the word for others who could benefit to check out this site. Comments are greatly welcomed.